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Battlestar Galactica Ships Cruiser


WEB Ships in Battlestar Galactica

WEB Line Ships

WEB Line Ships, or Lines as they are more commonly known, are the heavy battle cruiser equivalent in BSG Online. They are armed with powerful weapons and have strong defenses, making them formidable opponents in combat. WEB Line Ships are also very versatile, and can be used for a variety of roles, including anti-fighter, anti-capital ship, and bombing.

WEB Botanical Cruiser

The WEB Botanical Cruiser was an ill-fated sublight ship that was destroyed 5 hours from Caprica. The ship was carrying a large cargo of botanical specimens, which were intended to be used to help repopulate the human race after the Cylon War. However, the ship was attacked by a group of Cylon Raiders and was destroyed, along with its entire crew.

The WEB Botanical Cruiser was a unique and important ship, and its loss was a great tragedy. The ship's cargo of botanical specimens could have helped to save the human race, and its crew were all brave and dedicated individuals who died in the line of duty. The WEB Botanical Cruiser will always be remembered as a symbol of hope and sacrifice.

